Sunday, 20 March 2011

Follow these 6 simple steps to Language Analysis Success!

Many feel daunted by this task... and my traumatic incident with the chickens puts me in this category too... 
But Language Analysis is the area in which you can really have the confidence that you will succeed.

Step 1
Always start reading with a pen and highlighter in your hand and note paper by your side.

Step 2
Take a moment to look at the features. What catches your eye? What do the images say to you? Briefly read it through. Jot down your reactions as a reader.

Step 3
Read through a second time, highlighting techniques and making notes in the margin.
** Identify what the message is, how it is expressed, why it has been included.

Step 4
On your note paper identify TADS (title, author, date, source), the contention and intention of the author and the  3 WHO's (whose point of view is presented? who would share this view? who is the intended audience?)

Step 5
Describe the headlines, images, layout, and the evolution of the tone.
** The tone is not static; it will change throughout the piece. It may be useful to have a highlighter colour set aside exclusively for identifying the tone througout.

Step 6
Consider the effect of the piece on you as a reader, but also on the other potential audiences that may exist or be specifically targeted by the writer.
Your analysis of how the writer has positioned the target audience (be specific!) as well as other potential readers (be specific!) should be present throughout your piece.

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